In September 2017, Cork hosted the third UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities Conference. The two previous conferences were held in Beijing 2013 and Mexico 2015, each involved over 600 delegates from countries worldwide. The conference was presented by UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning and was held in Cork City Hall, from Sept 18th – 20th 2017, supported by Cork City Council and Cork ETB hosted with its Learning City Project partners, UCC, CIT, and other agencies in the city. The overall theme of the third International Conference on Learning Cities was: Global goals, local actions: Towards lifelong learning for all in 2030.
The Creativity and Change team supported delegates to interact with, and respond creatively to the themes of the conference, through participatory processes at creative stations at various sites of the conference and pop up activities and interactions. The activities aimed to support delegates in deepening their reflection and engagement with the conference themes and their connection with each other while modelling how creativity processes can be used to deepen learning as active local and global citizens.
In the Creativity & Change programme we believe that creative engagement can support transformative learning experiences that connect the head, hand and heart, and nurture competences of global citizens that are important for the sustainable future of our world, competences such as:
In addition to participation in the main conference Creativity and Change hosted a Change Maker Educators Creative Fair open to local participants and conference delegates at CIT CCAD’s brand new building 46 Grand Parade. This event was part of Cork City Life Long Learning Festival showcase.
The Change-Maker Creative Fair travels around Ireland & offers a quick injection of inspiration for those who want to discover how they can support groups & learners to engage as active global citizens & change-makers.
The activities at each fair vary but include stencil making, stop motion, chalkboard posters, creative writing, badge-making & an inspirational reading corner.
Creativity and Change is a programme of the Crawford and is supported by Irish Aid.