Ceramics: Processes and Techniques

When: Semester One.  Starts 17th September 2024, and runs on Tuesdays 6.30pm - 9.00pm.

Course Registration Opens: 1st August 2024

Course Fee: €300

Tutor: Bernadette Tuite


What is the course about?

This course offers an introduction to ceramics and the ceramic facilities at the College. Students are introduced to different types of clay, their properties and uses, relevant terminology and functions. Students learn the techniques involved in the preparation of clay such as wedging and kneading along with procedures for forming, building and firing clay. Students learn how to build pots and sculptural work using pinching, coiling, slab building, mold work and extrusion. They also explore various decoration and glazing techniques to produce a series of finished pieces. Health and safety and environmental considerations as they apply to ceramics are also explored in detail i.e. use of appropriate equipment and tools, storage and disposal of materials. Employing a range of processes, students use clay as a material for creative exploration and development of ideas.

Download the Ceramics FAQ pdf here

Tutor Profile

Bernadette Tuite  

After many years in San Francisco where Bernadette Tuite worked as a boat captain, she returned to Ireland to reinvent herself through an Art education. In pursuing her ambition to obtain an art degree Bernadette began her journey by setting up a ceramic studio in her native Co. Meath in 2011 while caregiving to her parents. 

To improve her knowledge, she began with the Pottery Skills and Design Course offered by the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny in 2012. Bernadette continued her studies in Crawford College of Art and Design  & Shanghai University Fine Art Glass Department, completing her studies in 2018 with an Applied Art degree from Crawford College of Art and Design, Cork.  

She currently works from her studio in Backwater Artists’ Studios in Cork, she exhibits her work locally and nationally. She is represented by Mill Cove Gallery, Kenmare and the Glucksman Gallery, Cork. 


These part-time, evening courses provide students with an opportunity to experience the potential of visual arts practice, through sustained engagement with materials, techniques, processes, research and art contexts.  Each course is an accredited module (5 credits) on the National Framework of Qualifications, where 60 credits equate to the workload of a full-time academic year on a degree programme.  It may be possible, therefore, to use these credits as part of one of our full-time programmes in the Department of Fine Art and Applied Art.  Students interested in pursuing this option should contact crawford.enquiries@mtu.ie and bear in mind that they would need to submit work for assessment at the end of the module.


Course Enquiries:

For more information & to apply: