Digital Portfolio Submission

The online form for digital portfolio submissions for year 1 opens for the month of February. Assessments will take approximately 4 weeks from the closing date, and applicants will be emailed directy with their portfolio result. Contact with any queries.

* Please note a portfolio is Not Required for the BA (Hons) Photography & New Media OR the BA (Hons) Creative Digital Media.
Eligible Advanced Entry CAO Applicants (Year 2,3,4 Direct Entry) will be contacted after 1st May deadline for interview and/or digital portfolio.

Application Routes

If you are interested in applying for any of our postgraduate, short or evening courses, you will find specific course information and links to online application forms in the relevant course page.

The Crawford College of Art and Design welcomes Advanced Entry Applications via CAO to year 2, year 3 or year 4. Applicants must have relevant Higher or Further Education or equivalent to be considered for the Advanced Entry route, and submit an advanced digital portfolio. Further info on Advanced Entry here.


The CAO Process

  • Applications for undergraduate programmes are made through the CAO by the 1st of February.
  • No late applications will be accepted for “restricted” courses (those that require a portfolio).
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their portfolio assessment by email.
  • Places will be offered on the basis of the portfolio score, rather than on Leaving Cert points, once the minimum entry requirements have been met.
  • Offers will be made by the CAO in August.

Interview Guidelines

The following courses require that you attend for interview following application. Guidelines for interview can be found in each course page:

Applications made through our Mature student process or from FETAC/QQI or CCPS courses may be required to attend for interview in June. You will be asked to bring your portfolio.