To celebrate MTU Innovation and Enterprise month 2021, The Teaching and Learning Unit, AnSEO and The Arts Office brought you 'Moments: Teaching and Learning at MTU', a photo and caption competition.

The competition ran throughout March, 2021 and sought to capture moments in the lives of students and staff across all campuses at MTU, celebrating our diversity and collective, as well as individual, experiences.

Crawford had 2 winners and both were from our Department of Media Communications!

Enjoy Avril O'Sullivan's and Xhan Angeles' winning images below:

"Are you there?
Category: Together Apart
1st Place - Avril O'Sullivan


"There’s a first time for everything”
Category: Together Apart
2nd Place - Avril O'Sullivan



“I’ll Try the Wall”
Category: Teaching & Learning at a Distance
2nd Place - Avril O'Sullivan


"Creative Isolation"
Category: Creative in Challenging Times
1st Place - Xhan Angeles


All the competition's shortlisted photos can be seen here