Co-Design for Digital Public Services

Link to PhD Scholarship Information for this call.


Munster Technological University MTU Media Communications Department (Crawford College of Art & Design) are delighted to invite applications for a full time, fully-fund 4 year PhD program.

The PhD program, titled "Co-Design for Digital Public Services: Developing and evaluating participatory tools and approaches for inclusive human- centred digital public service design with and for diverse communities" is funded by Munster Technological University through TU RISE funding.

The project will address the growing digital divide in public service provision, through an investigation into the use of co-design methods and tools to support the creation of inclusive, human-centred services. The successful candidate will explore co-design as an approach for digital public service innovation and improvement in the Irish Public Sector context. Through our close collaboration with government bodies, the outputs of this project will contribute to the direction of public service design, as well as advance knowledge across the spaces of Participatory Design, Service Design, and Public Administration.

The PhD will start no later than 1st January 2025.

Closing date for applications: 31st October 2024

MTU TU RISE Research Scholarships are co-financed by MTU and the Government of Ireland and the European Union through ERDF, Southern, Regional, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and the Northern and Western programme 2021-27.