The final year students of Visual Communications & Creative Digital Media would like to invite you to the launch of Collab + Collate at 5.30pm, on Friday 1st June, 2018.
Student presentations will begin at 5.30pm in IT3, followed by the exhibition reception in the James Barry Exhibition Centre and the Rory Gallagher Theatre. See map below for locations.
Refreshments will be provided on the evening. We look forward to seeing you there.
Name: Aleksandra Podhorodecka
Project: Public Privacy
Public Privacy is a sensory, emotive experience creating a private oasis in a public space with the help of isolation theatres and a visual trilogy called RGB.
Name: Amy Finn
Project: OutMate
OutMate is a Virtual Reality experience intended for use by long term prison inmates. After being incarcerated for long periods of time, institutionalization can be a barrier to successful rehabilitation and so this project aims to aid learning in the context of modern technology. OutMate helps inmates to experience modern environments in a controlled space and learn about how to approach these situations in the real world.
Name: Bebhinn McCarthy
Project: PlotTwist
“PlotTwist is a creative project that asks users to write a story based on a set of eight photographs shown through the website aim of the project is to create a short film with a unique twist by allowing the narrative to be determined by the user. My roles throughout the project were researcher, co-director, co-script writer, director of photography and editor.”
Name: Ciara Wyse
Project: OutMate
OutMate is a Virtual Reality experience intended for use by long term prison inmates. After being incarcerated for long periods of time, institutionalization can be a barrier to successful rehabilitation and so this project aims to aid learning in the context of modern technology. OutMate helps inmates to experience modern environments in a controlled space and learn about how to approach these situations in the real world.
Name: Dave Enright
Project: Vuseum
Vuseum is VR museum program that is both educational and fun as it allows you to immerse yourself in a recreation of a historical settlement. You are given the option in a virtual museum space to enter different exhibits displaying different artefacts. When you enter the exhibit of your choice you will be transported to the settlement where that artefact would originate from. You can then explore and learn from the environment around you.
Name: Dave O'Hagan
Project: IGAC(InterGenerational Animation Collaboration)
IGAC is a collaboration between hundredsd of participants of all ages. It is an animation of which the beginning is created by young childredn, the middle by adults, and finished by the elderely. It was created to challenge the idea that as people grow older, they lose their sense of creativity. Users can also compare the artowkr and personalities of the artists, giving them a broader look at the artwork of all age groups.
Name: Eabha Hennessy
Project: ReelEmpowerment
"Reel Empowerment” is an interactive visual installation celebrating women in film by shining a light on the past to highlight the progress women have made in the industry thus far. The project demonstrates how female roles were previously typecast through the use of archived images and footage viewed through a mutoscope which users much engage with to view the content.
Name: Eamon O'Mahony
Project: Agrispond
Contact: eamon.omahony@mycit.e
AGRISPOND focuses on farm health and safety. It is a system that allows farmers who are on their own get urgent medical attention if they are hurt or even unconscious. It will do this by monitoring the farmers condition through a wristband. This recording the farmers heath rate, it also contains an accelerometer which will detect any unusual falls. If an accident does happen the data will recognise this and send a text message to family members and neighbours, this will include the number of the building or field the farmer is in using a GPS. These people will respond and locate the farmers position following the overhead numbered map received in the text. Once the farmer is found they will assess the situation and contact emergency services if required.
Name: Ellie Wright
Project: Clue Lens
Clue Lens is a new way of encouraging people to investigate and learn about history. Particularly the vast local history of Cork City that surrounds them. The design of Clue Lens will take form in the shape of view finder and will work in conjunction with an interactive map of Cork City. The map will feature key clues to the whereabouts of objects related to the person or place of interest.
Name: Emily O'Driscoll
Project: Sláinte
Sláinte consists of a smart coaster and mobile application that work together to track a users alcohol consumption and alert the user to changes in their drinking via LED lights. The mobile application also stores the users consumption and so they will have the opportunity to see their historical data around drinking. The goal is to increase users awareness of their alcohol consumption and ultimately reduce their intake of alcohol over time. For this project, the coaster functionality was created with Arduino boards and sensors. The physical coaster was created via 3D printing and the website was created with Javscript/PHP/MySQL.
Name: Fionn Mulvey
Project: The Unexamined Life
The Unexamined Life is based on an idea put forward by Western Philosopher, Socrates;"The unexamined life is not worth living.." - Plato's Apology (38a5-6). The idea of a 'wasted life' is not exploring your ideas and yielding your own opinion, values and direction of life. Allowing it to be made by others.This idea is depicted through an interactive visual experience of screening nature, wildlife and the current issues it is facing. In one view we see the often portrayed image of wildlife and nature but on a closer look we see another.
Name: Grace Harty
Project: Rainy Day Rocket
The Rainy Day Rocket is a money jar that helps and promotes saving. By saving coins within the jar you are able accumulate credit that can be used to receive rewards for various games through connecting to an app. In this app a number of rewards are available, depending on how much that as saved. It encourages people to save more and rewards them for doing so.
Name: Jennifer O'Keeffe
Project: Rainy Day Rocket
The Rainy Day Rocket is a money jar that helps and promotes saving. By saving coins within the jar you are able accumulate credit that can be used to receive rewards for various games through connecting to an app. In this app a number of rewards are available, depending on how much that as saved. It encourages people to save more and rewards them for doing so.
Name: Karen O'Callaghan
Project: Sláinte
Sláinte consists of a smart coaster and mobile application that work together to track a users alcohol consumption and alert the user to changes in their drinking via LED lights. The mobile application also stores the users consumption and so they will have the opportunity to see their historical data around drinking. The goal is to increase users awareness of their alcohol consumption and ultimately reduce their intake of alcohol over time. For this project, the coaster functionality was created with Arduino boards and sensors. The physical coaster was created via 3D printing and the website was created with Javscript/PHP/MySQL.
Name: Kate Sexton
Project: Designing for Designers
A set of guidelines were developed for facilitators of digital media programs that engage young poeple with the local community. Through a participatory process, young people are challenged to become digital creaators rather than consumers of media. The guidelines were developed and tested by means of a case study, meaning that participants were central to the design, developmnet and deployment of the finished work.
Name: Katie Walkden
Project: A Hero's Debt
A Hero’s Debt is an educational video game that teaches players about the benefits of saving money and being financially forward thinking. Making use of traditional Role Playing Game mechanics, a retro art style and a compelling narrative the game engages players and immerses them within each worlds narrative. Aimed at youths aged eighteen to twenty five, “A Hero’s Debt” is intended to introduce young people to the benefits of saving money and educate on the personal responsibility that each individual has towards protecting their financial future.
Name: Kelly Preston
Project: OutMate
OutMate is a Virtual Reality experience intended for use by long term prison inmates. After being incarcerated for long periods of time, institutionalization can be a barrier to successful rehabilitation and so this project aims to aid learning in the context of modern technology. OutMate helps inmates to experience modern environments in a controlled space and learn about how to approach these situations in the real world.
Name: Miriam Mullins
Project: ReelEmpowerment
"Reel Empowerment” is an interactive visual installation celebrating women in film by shining a light on the past to highlight the progress women have made in the industry thus far. The project demonstrates how female roles were previously typecast through the use of archived images and footage viewed through a mutoscope which users much engage with to view the content.
Name: Niamh Regan
Project: Lost In History
My final year project is a tour of Cork city’s history from a new perspective; the perspective of the people. The user can explore the city through the stories of the locals and get a real sense of how the city came to be what it is today. The user would use a QR code scanner on their phone at various locations around the city. The scanning of the QR code would bring the user to our website on their phone and show them the specific story relating to their location. The various locations can be used as a route to tour the city and would serve as a way for Cork’s rich history to be celebrated in a modern way.
Name: Noel Cullen
Project: Vuseum
Vuseum is VR museum program that is both educational and fun as it allows you to immerse yourself in a recreation of a historical settlement. You are given the option in a virtual museum space to enter different exhibits displaying different artefacts. When you enter the exhibit of your choice you will be transported to the settlement where that artefact would originate from. You can then explore and learn from the environment around you.
Name: Philip Duggan
Project: A Hero's Debt
A Hero’s Debt is an educational video game that teaches players about the benefits of saving money and being financially forward thinking. Making use of traditional Role Playing Game mechanics, a retro art style and a compelling narrative the game engages players and immerses them within each worlds narrative. Aimed at youths aged eighteen to twenty five, “A Hero’s Debt” is intended to introduce young people to the benefits of saving money and educate on the personal responsibility that each individual has towards protecting their financial future.
Name: Ryan Ferris
Project: A Hero's Debt
A Hero’s Debt is an educational video game that teaches players about the benefits of saving money and being financially forward thinking. Making use of traditional Role Playing Game mechanics, a retro art style and a compelling narrative the game engages players and immerses them within each worlds narrative. Aimed at youths aged eighteen to twenty five, “A Hero’s Debt” is intended to introduce young people to the benefits of saving money and educate on the personal responsibility that each individual has towards protecting their financial future.
Name: Sarah Henry
Project: PlotTwist
‘PlotTwist’ is a creative project that invites users to contribute to the development of a short film. Users are presented with a set of eight photographs through the website and are asked to write stories based on their individual interpretation of the photographs narrative. One story is then used to develop a short film presented at the exhibit. The aim of this project is to create a narrative that is unique based on the process in which it developed. My main roles in this project include co-director, co-scriptwriter, Interface designer, researcher and sound engineer.
Name: Sean Trahe
Project: Vuseum
Vuseum is VR museum program that is both educational and fun as it allows you to immerse yourself in a recreation of a historical settlement. You are given the option in a virtual museum space to enter different exhibits displaying different artefacts. When you enter the exhibit of your choice you will be transported to the settlement where that artefact would originate from. You can then explore and learn from the environment around you.
Name: Sorcha O'Mahony
Project: Lost In History
My final year project is a tour of Cork city’s history from a new perspective; the perspective of the people. The user can explore the city through the stories of the locals and get a real sense of how the city came to be what it is today. The user would use a QR code scanner on their phone at various locations around the city. The scanning of the QR code would bring the user to our website on their phone and show them the specific story relating to their location. The various locations can be used as a route to tour the city and would serve as a way for Cork’s rich history to be celebrated in a modern way.
Name: Alannah Calvert
Project: Galzine
Hi my name is Alannah Calvert. I’m a graphic designer who specialises is illustration. My project Galzine was created in order to tackle the lack of attention given to sexual health education in Ireland. Galzine is targeted towards women in 3rd level education and aims to inform and educate them in regards to the sexual health and well-being in particular their reproductive health. It aims to spark up conversation among young adults through fun and humorous illustrations.
Name: Anita Wrzesinska
Project: Lilly's Terrifying day
My name is Anita Wrzesinska."Lilly's Terrifying day" is an illustrative novel which walks us through a day of a 5 years old girl who is scared of different everyday things. It compares how the adult sees these fears vs. the child. The purpose of it is to show parents that fears which seem silly to adults are very real and terrifying in the eyes of a child.
Name: Brian O'Connell
Project: You Dont Look That Bad?
My name's Brian O Connell and im a photographer and graphic designer. "You Dont Look That Bad" is a project about Crohns Disease and Colitis and is aimed to bring awareness to the illness. It is aimed to help people that have been recently been diagnosed. It aims to show the struggles and situations that it throws at you but that there is always something that can be done to help.
Name: Calvin O'Callaghan
Project: Listen + Learn
My name is Calvin and my project is an organisation that teaches children the basics of shortwave radio through radio skills workshops.
Name: Chiomhara Nic Amhalghaidh
Project: Gender Diversity
Heya, my name is Chiomhara and my main interest is in Editorial Design. ‘Gender Diversity’ is a short magazine about all aspects of living as a Transgender or Gender Non-Binary person today. The magazine features first-hand interviews with members of Ireland’s Gender Non-binary and Transgender communities, and is filled with informative, fascinating and at times shocking information and insights.
Name: Conor Moylan
Project: Motiv8
Designer / Illustrator / Photographer. Motivation is something everyone has trouble with at some stage in their life. This project is a way to help understand what motivates you by giving insights into how people think. As well as visuals that represent results and all the moments that make them and a card exercise to breakdown excuses.
Name: Dara Sheehan
Project: Student Life
I wanted to provide a fun and humerous guide book for third level students. While it does provide some helpful tips it's not to be taken too seriously, as it is only for a bit of fun. The book includes tips and tricks, recipes and personal stories from students about their own funny and memorable experiences during their time in college.
Name: Elaine Manley
Project: And DAMNED if I look back
Hi, I’m Elaine Manley and I’m a graphic designer. I create strong, memorable images with a minimalist twist. I’m interested in all aspects of the world we live in: the past; the present; and the future. For my final year project, I focused on the future, specifically artificial intelligence and automated design. My project entitled: ‘And DAMNED if I look back’ is an exploration into the theory of Artificial intelligence and the impact it may have on the design industry. This being my final year, I started think about the future. The way we approach design is changing and we have no choice but to face these changes. Artificial intelligence is already impacting the design industry and our everyday lives. As young designers we must prepare ourselves and learn what we can now.
Name: Elizabeth Morley
Project: Nothing of Substance
Hello, I'm Elizabeth. I love Branding and Identities. My project reflects my other love: photography and collage and will be a visual journey using strange imagery to convey fleeting, transitory and intangible topics such as nostalgia and deja vu.
Name: Ellen Daly
Project: Night Time at Robbies
My name is Ellen Daly. I specialise in illustration, with a strong interest in graphic design, promotion and branding. Night Time at Robbies is a children's story book targeted for 5 year olds. The story deals with the issue of children having nightmares and aims to teach kids that nightmares are not real, helping them feel safer at bedtime. Another issue this book deals with is improving the tolerance of same-sex parenting for young children. By introducing a character with two mothers at a young age, the book aims to show children that this is a normal family unit, hopefully improving acceptance in schools and social groups as children grow and learn.
Name: Emer Kiely
Project: Women In Design
Hi my name is Emer, and i'm a graphic designer with an interest in illustration. My project 'Women In Design' is a book which aims to raise awareness about gender imbalance in the design industry.
Name: Francesca Guarnieri
Project: If my dog could talk...
This is a collection of lighthearted illustrations about the relationship between a dog and its "owner". If you've ever had a pet you might relate to this book.
Name: James Dunne
Project: Raptors
A lot of people pushed the boundaries for Hip Hop and paved the way forward for others to follow their path. Raptors is a series of posters, videos and a website that pays homage to these legends of the rap game and serves as a stepping stone to introduce newer Rap fans to these legends, to appreciate their drive and to interact with their story. Dubbed "Raptors" for their determination and drive to succeed, their ability to seize and conquer by force. Creating album artwork in Hip Hop is what I specialise in and this project is my way of giving back for what the culture has given me.
Name: Kieran Sheehan
Project: Off The Beaten Track
I am a visual creative and photographer and occasionally dabble in illustration. I have a passion for clean, fluid and effective design. This is a proof of concept motorcycle orientated guide to all the roads in Ireland worth riding at least once in your life. The book contains roads that lead to some tourist spots however many roads are just worth driving because you have two wheels instead of four. It is not about the destination but the journey that gets you there.
Name: Kirsty Lane
Project: Doggy Work Days
I chose my final year project based on my love of branding, promotion and animals. Doggy Work Days is an initiative that I set up to encourage both employers & employees to understand the benefits of having a dog/dogs in the workplace. The initiative is based on an 8-week trial. The employees/employer must collect sponsorships and signatures to run the trial all of which the benefits will go toward a Doggy Work Days affiliated dog rescue centre. Throughout the trial dogs will be introduced to the workplace in a controlled and orderly manner following steps and advice outlined by Doggy Work Days. On completion of the trial, participants vote on whether to keep the operation in place or not and give feedback. The whole idea is that they are giving it a chance. When successful, Doggy Work Days will benefit the employer, the employee, the dogs and the rescue centres.
Name: Maeve Palmer
Project: Best of the Worst Olympics
Hi, my name is Maeve and my interests are illustration and photography with close attention to detail. My project is a humorous, illustrated account of the bizarre events of the men's marathon that took place in St.Louis, Missouri in 1904. Poor organisation and bad decision making led to some unbelievable occurances. You couldn't even write this stuff.
Name: Michael Carey
Project: Searbhas
I have a keen interest in branding, illustration and photography. For my final year project I have created a propaganda campaign for a fake government who control Ireland.
Name: Michaela Foley
Project: Campaign For Assisted Dying
My name is Michaela Foley, I am a graphic designer and I take particular interest in branding, packaging and promotion. For my final year project, I decided to focus on the subject of assisted dying which allows a dying person the choice to control their death if they decide their suffering is unbearable, which is currently illegal in Ireland. I will make my project campaign focused and will give information on the topic, the facts and why this should become a choice for those suffering with a terminal illness.
Name: Monika Szynkiewicz
Project: Mocking Obstacles
Illustrator with a passion for comics. My project is a graphic novel memoir based on my experiences with cancer.
Name: Niamh McCarthy
Project: The Lost Flamingo
My name is Niamh and I have written and illustrated a children’s book that promotes empowerment and bravery. The story is centred around a young girl who lacks in self belief, but after meeting Pingo the flamingo, who needs help finding his way back home, she decides to push through her fears and travel across the world to help him.
Name: Peter Bohane
Project: Enlighten
I'm Peter Bohane, a multi-talented graphic designer with particuar interests in editorial design, branding and web design. 'Enlighten' is an events brand that hosts events with the main purpose of bringing attention to Global Issues. The events aim to inform and motivate attendees to take positive action on these issues. Enlighten 2018 will be held in Dublin and will be focused on the Issue of Disarmament.
Name: Ryan Browne
Project: Nomophobia: the virtual addiction
My name is Ryan Browne, and I speacialize in all aspects of design. Nowadays we are glued to or phones leaving the real world to dive into the virtual world to socialize 24/7. With Nomophobia the fear of living without your phone highlights this new trend of staying connected creating anxiety for the user as they must get total access to connect with people.
Name: Sarah Shields
Project: The Panic Experience
Hello, My name is Sarah. My project is about panic and anxiety attacks. The Panic Experience is a proposed immersive, interactive walk through exhibition space that shows what it's like to have a panic/anxiety attack. It is used as an empathy tool to help the friends and family members of panic/anxiety sufferers grow in a deeper understanding.
Name: Sean O'Sullivan
Project: From The Edge
My name's Sean O'Sullivan and I love Digital Painting. I'm also efficient in Branding, Type and Promotion. From The Edge is a comic book based on Hamlet with a gender reversal. It deals with themes of dysfunctional relationships, drug abuse and romance. It aims to emotionally relate to young adults who may be pressured into the drug scene in Ireland.
Name: Sinead Long
Project: Clark the Shark
Poor oral hygiene is very evident in the young population of today. Children are taking less and less of an interest in caring for their teeth. This lack of oral hygiene, along with consuming a vast amount of sugars in every day life, has detrimental results on their teeth and gums. My book is aimed towards 7-9 year olds, to attempt to tackle the problem while children are still quite young. Clark the Shark is the main character in my storybook which sets out to show the effects that not caring for your teeth can have. Children can follow Clark's story and see that he ends up losing all of his teeth, because he doesn't brush them or look after them. When his teeth grow back, Clark then shows the children how to brush them properly and care for them, so they don't lose them the same way he did. Brushing and flossing techniques are shown for the children to copy so they can then look after their own teeth.
Name: Stephen Punch
Project: TravelPic
My name's Stephen Punch and im a photographer and graphic designer. TravelPic is a fun new company that brings people together through photographer. It is aimed at people who like to travel and have an interest in photography. It will help people discover places in a new fun way while also interacting with other people in the area, giving opionins on places, best locations for photography and sharing experiances in each place.
Name: Steve Barrett
Project: The Price of Fame
Life in the public eye can be unforgiving. Yet, in a world where fame and celebrity status seems to be of paramount importance to an ever-growing, attention-seeking demographic, many of us still crave a life in the spotlight. But this life comes with consequences. It can destroy the essence of who we are, and lead us down destructive pathways that we may never return from. The Price of Fame is a graphic book detailing the life of George Best, a prime example of someone who succumbed to the temptations such a life offers. He is considered by many to be greatest footballer of his generation and was the sport’s first real superstar. He had abilities unlike anyone from his era but unfortunately was the star of his own Shakespearean tragedy, who was ultimately humbled by alcohol, temptation and depression. The following is an account of his life through the use of quotes from his close friends and family.