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Unreality Art Exhibition Opening

16 September 2024

Art Exhibition Opening 'Unreality' by Michaela McCann Recipient of the Alliance Française de Cork 2024 MTU CCAD Award Friday 20th September, 7 pm at Alliance Française de Cork 36 Mary Stre

Unreality Art Exhibition Opening  'Unreality'  by Michaela McCann Recipient of the Alliance Française de Cork 2024 MTU CCAD Award  Friday 20th September, 7 pm 


Michaela McCann’s work explores absurdity and unreality through the medium of oil painting and photography. Through the use of techniques such as disjunction and displacement, Michaela conveys a sense of unreality in her work. The imagery in her work creates irrational and dreamlike compositions, giving the work a sense of otherworldliness. Michaela takes inspiration from everyday life, often photographing objects or settings and taking them out of their usual contexts and then combining and juxtaposing them together in order to give the work a bizarre quality and provoke thought in the viewer. Through her work, Michaela aims to challenge social institutions by rejecting the logic and rationality of everyday life and instead embrace the nonsensical.