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Encounters: a photographic collaborative student exhibition

26 February 2025

Encounters, a photographic exhibition showcasing collaboration between MTU students of Photography with New Media and Theatre and Drama Studies.

Encounters, a collaborative student exhibition

Tuesday, February 25th - Friday, February 28th

MTU Gallery, 46 Grand Parade, Cork City.



As part of their Controlling Light and Performance Ensemble 3 modules, Year 2 students on the BA (Hons) in Photography and New Media at Crawford College of Art and Design and the BA (Hons) in Theatre and Drama Studies at Cork School of Music collaborated on an interdisciplinary learning project supported by the TLU’s Teaching and Learning Development Fund. This exhibition is the culmination of this collaboration, which involved several collaborative sessions in The Envision Centre Studios of CCAD and CSM’s Movement Room and Stack Theatre.


During these sessions, performance work by TDS students was captured by PNM students. Subsequently, both sets of students worked together in groups to curate Encounters, selecting images that best represented the work of both actors and photographers, as well as the principles of Brecht’s theatre. By creating real-life professional scenarios and different ways of articulating learning the collaboration provided a series of interesting and inspiring artistic encounters for all involved and established a new network for the future.